Panda’s Table 10

Location/City: El Paso

About how long were you at the listening table?: Less than 1 hour

About how many people stopped to talk?: 4


I learned that often people have it out worse than me and i should be grateful for the times that I am fortunate to have something nice.

I also learned that being a "hater" is a really interesting thing because i find it hard to imagine to hate on somebody you don’t really know or that inconvenienced you. This person gave passes to his friends because he knew them but always hated on strangers. I know some people that were hated on despite not knowing their past or intentions. I shouldn’t hate on people I dont know. Very interesting to listen to.

Finally, I learned that people can change for the better after something bad happened and come out a better person. Letting go of a relationship is hard but it takes a good mental health mind to come out better than ever. Very inspiring!

How did this experience change your outlook on life?:

I learned that i should be appreciative for what I have, spread love and positivity instead of hate, and that people can become a better person after something hard to experience happened!


Stacey’s Table 4


Merlot’s Table 1